The Unseen Dangers of Keyword Cannibalization in Jeddah’s SEO Industry

As the market for online businesses and digital marketing keeps growing, especially in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, many companies are working tirelessly to stay ahead of their competition. One of the major aspects of digital marketing is search engine optimization (SEO), and a huge part of SEO revolves around strategically using keywords. However, not all SEO practices involving keywords will be beneficial for your website or business. In fact, some practices can prove to be harmful, such as keyword cannibalization.

Exploring Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization is a phenomenon where multiple pages on a single website compete with each other by targeting the same keyword. This causes these pages to essentially ‘eat’ into each other’s traffic which can inhibit the overall performance of the site on search engines. Despite its potential harm, keyword cannibalization is often overlooked within the digital marketing scene. As an SEO consultant at, my goal is to create awareness and explore practical solutions for tackling keyword cannibalization on your website.

Why does Keyword Cannibalization occur?

One of the primary reasons behind keyword cannibalization is content overload. When a website creates too much content surrounding a specific keyword without proper planning, it leads to unintentional self-competition among pages. This may happen when a business targets certain keywords that they believe to be essential for their target audience in Jeddah or when they publish new blog posts on similar topics without thorough research.

Detecting and Analyzing Keyword Cannibalization Issues

If you suspect or want to check whether keyword cannibalization is affecting your website, the following steps can help you identify the problem:

  1. Analyze your website with an SEO audit tool: Numerous online tools are available that can give you insights into your website’s keyword optimization and help detect cannibalization issues.
  2. Check Google Search Console: This is an essential tool in managing your website’s search engine presence. You can use it to identify the pages performing poorly or competing for the same keyword.
  3. Perform manual checks: Although time-consuming, doing a manual check by searching for the targeted keyword on your website can highlight pages that could be cannibalizing each other’s rankings and reveal optimization opportunities.

The Implications of Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization can cause several problems for your website, such as:

  • Diluted SEO efforts: When multiple pages target the same keyword, they compete against each other in search engines, leading to a loss of authority and reduced chances of ranking higher in search results.
  • Confused user experience:If users find it difficult to locate the specific information they are seeking on a particular topic, their trust in your website may decline, negatively impacting user satisfaction metrics and thus SEO rankings.
  • Diminished page value: Due to keyword cannibalization, some high-quality pages might lose web traffic and conversions as search engines divide the traffic among different competing pages.
  • Decreased link equity: When multiple pages encompass the same topic, external links become scattered rather than concentrating on one authoritative source, which weakens the overall impact of backlinks on your website’s SEO performance.

Adjusting Your Strategies to Prevent Keyword Cannibalization

Avoiding keyword cannibalization will require thoughtful content creation and proper website organization. Here are some solutions that businesses in Jeddah can implement:

  1. Conduct thorough keyword research: Identify the best keywords for your business by understanding their search volumes, competition levels, and intent behind these searches, and then make informed decisions about which pages to target with these keywords.
  2. Create unique, diverse content: Instead of repeatedly targeting a particular keyword in multiple articles or posts, focus on covering other aspects or angles related to that topic to offer valuable insights and perspectives.
  3. Consolidate similar pages: Merge pages with overlapping topics into a single rich resource, while redirecting old URLs to the new authoritative page to retain SEO value and user engagement.
  4. Utilize canonical tags appropriately: Use the rel=”canonical” attribute to tell search engines to prioritize one specific page among multiple similar pages on your website.
  5. Optimize internal linking structures: Ensure your website’s pages link to each other in an organized manner to help users and search engines navigate easily.

Finding Success Beyond Keyword Cannibalization

While keyword cannibalization remains an ever-present threat within the digital marketing industry, especially in Jeddah, being aware of it and adapting your strategies accordingly can prevent potential harm to your website’s performance. By paying attention to content creation, organizing your website, and routinely monitoring its performance, your online presence can flourish—not just surviving but thriving amid the challenges posed by keyword cannibalization.

One response to “The Unseen Dangers of Keyword Cannibalization in Jeddah’s SEO Industry”

  1. You have observed very interesting details! ps decent site.Raise your business

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